Dec 11, 2013

Youtuberistic #2

There are so many videos on youtube and this one is by far is the best I've seen. I love that many youtubers were recreating videos that went viral, it did lack one thing & it was that there weren't many international youtubers but it's edited and created so perfectly. I loved it I hope you do too.

I give this video 5/5 Pizza's it deserves it ! 

I watch so many vlog channels & I'm currently watching MoreZoella, PointlessBlogtv & ThatcherJoeVlogs. Vlogmas is very fun to watch, all the things they've done so far are interesting. When you are bored just go on youtube... Honestly it's great or TUMBLR ! 

I rate these videos 4/5 Pizza's 

Please leave a comment telling me what your favourite YouTube videos are. I would love to watch them! 
Thank you for reading ! 


  1. Thats so a difficult question because there are so many amazing youtubers! I really like cutiepiemarzia's channel, a beauty fashion channel. I love your blog, I found it through bloglovin'! Also may I just say that your greeting you have at the top of your blog is very clever :D

    1. I'll be sure to watch Cutiepiemarzia's channel.
      I'm so happy that you liked my blog, thank you so much !

  2. Aww man I can't even think about what youtubers are my favourite! But I just really love CTFxC aww man..

    Oh, and thankyou for the follow aswell! ^_^
